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Web security : A global overview.

I'm a French student of the INT (National Institute of Telecommunications).
I'm trying (for my Master cursus graduation) to write a general and global
overview of the attempts actualy made to secure Web. I'm actually trying to
collect a maximum of informations in the following topics :

        - Why secure Web.
        - General overview of the actual state of securation.
        - What are the projects in devellopement in this domain.
        - Secure commerce with Web.
        - What's you opinion, reflections, wishes, etc, about all that.
        - Which are the organisations, entities, etc, who work on that.
        - What (and where) are the documents related to Web security.
        - The futur of web in the securisation domain.
        - etc...

I'm intersested about any information, advice, reference (ftp, html,
etc...), about these questions and any directly related topic.

Thank you for your help.

        - Manuel Domingues.